The Legacy Collection

Hi, I'm Nabs.

I've been around on the Internet for quite a while and have made a lot of side projects over the years.

Most of them are publicly available on GitHub, either at My personal account, or at my organization, Freeman Industries.

But as with all things, stuff slips through the cracks. I recently rediscovered a bunch of old projects that I had forgotten about, and I thought it would be fun to share them with the world.

Going through these again brought back some nice memories for me - and some of them are deeply personal.

I was 21, just coming out of a startup failure, and 50/50 on if I would ever try again. I was also in a long-distance relationship with my girlfriend, who luckily stuck around and married me. I was also just starting to get into the world of remote work and digital nomadism.

What followed was a burst of creativity and experimentation, which you can probably see in the chaos below.

I did find my feet eventually, founding LeSalon which I went on to sell in 2024 after 7 years of hard work.

In the interest of transparency I'm putting these out there for the world to see - rough edges and all. Some of them are actually totally broken, but feel free to dig through the code. You might find a neat idea.

So without further ado, I present to you the Legacy Collection, a collection of my work from 2012-2015.

- Nabs

Business ideas

Personal Projects

Commercial Projects

VR Experiments

At one point I was convinced VR would be the future by the 2020s. I tried learning WebGL and working my way towards creating a browser competitor to VRChat. Had a pretty long way to go when I lost faith that VR would be world-changing and this is all that's left.